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For digital natives
Aviating in the world

​Children’s Convergence ART HUB AVAKID

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Convergence Art & Tech global education for children
Beyond the creation, into sustainable artistic activities

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AVAKID, convergence children's art education for the digital generation

We provide education, creative activities, and even sustainable artistic actions.​



Art education for the next generation

What story will it tell and where will the children go?

AVAKID is a children's art initiative promoting sustainable environmental engagement through convergent art education for the digital native generation. It serves as a community fostering DE&I communication, and global environmental awareness, and conducts various children's ESG activities through global open calls.


Art activities that embody sustainability

Starting with Northeast Asia, AVAKID has expanded beyond education, creative writing, and exhibition activities. A sustainable future is captured in the convergence art activities of children around the world.


Testbed art class and creation for kids with biodiversity code in the library, Seoul Korea.

From hand-drawn art to exhibition, learn sustainability and technology.


C89 Samsung Global Business Center, 6F Michelin107, 602, Yeongdong-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea


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